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Meanwhile, back in the real world...

Computers are with us, whether we like them, love them, or hate them. Our approach at Computers In Plain English, Inc. is that, regardless of our emotions, the first fact does not change. We feel it's better to save our emotions for humans and others, and take a curious, problem solving attitude towards the depredations of our electronic tools.1

This site is a place where we share with you our experiences, our best guesses about problems and future developments, amused perceptions of computers (and the world), and directions to other places where you might get help.

Latest Alerts
Frog in a Blender program
This is a "fun" little program being sent over the internet. In at least one case -a columnist for one of the major dailies-it carried the Chernobyl virus, and destroyed his hard drive. Always, always, be careful about what you are gathering from unknown planets. Always - always - keep good backups of your important work.

Buyers Guide
Color Printers
General: Look for USB connections, even if you don't have one on your current computer --you will on the next. Before you put your money down look at reviews (not just prices)in magazines or on-line. (e.g. www.cnet.com; www.compare.com.)

Think about your actual output. If you print text in batches of 2 and 3, no more than 10 pages at a time, an ink-jet will be alright. If you do longer batches you will want a laser printer.

Recommended for color: HP DeskJet 882c at about $300. Good speed for text. Pretty decent speed for graphics. Epson 740 about $250. Lexmark is also getting very favorable reviews

[Red Line]

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Computers in Plain English, Inc.
Copyright 1998-1999

Updated: 10 June 1999